So I have been on a bit of a craft/art binge as of late, cooking up some interesting ideas in my mini moleskine (will they get executed? Smart money is on no), and looking at stuff online that I find inspirational and exciting. First up is the most recent edition of Surface Design magazine, which is dedicated to knit and crochet and contains some amazing work by some wonderful artists. In fact, the curious stitcher could lose a few hours scoping out their website looking at the work featured there. Par example:
These were just snatched from dipping in a few pages into the gallery. Check out more yourself here.
Another artist using crochet as her medium, at least for some of her work, is Mary Carlson. Check out a few pieces she's done in crochet, starting with the crocheted octopus, to a couple of squid, to blood splatters that use beads, to a willow (which is not crocheted, but stunningly beautiful):
Across the pond, in Brighton, is a charming exhibit of fishy goodness by Kate Jenkin, all knitted and lovely:
While not needlework per se, I was also quite taken with this exhibit of work by Edwina Bridgeman, also in England, that is a contemplation of the disappearance of so many orchards in that country:
Don't know how many of you get a chance to see or buy Inside Crochet, but they have been featuring the work of my lovely and gorgeous friend, rockpoolcandy, most recently her Pebble Rug. For me, this piece is a work of art, subtle and beautiful.
And on ravelry, there is always a ton of cool stuff being churned out. Just today a new pattern was posted for this antique phone by Sally Byrne:
There is so much more to discuss about all this. While I am fascinated with the past history of the needle arts and feel this extraordinary connection to the (mostly) women who have toiled over their work in joy or necessity or both, I am equally interested in what the future holds for these crafts (and sorry, but I hope washcloths don't figure too highly there). At some point, doilies were cutting-edge needlework, too. With such rich histories, the work of our hands bring depth to the arts in which they are included. While men have had a hand in this too, it is mostly a woman's art and as such, alludes to our history, our triumphs, and our joys.